In the last 5 days I’ve been featured in both Business Insider and

What a huge and humbling experience for me. As little as 12 months ago, I could never have imagined any of this was possible.

But here’s the thing, my story is no better, and most likely not so drastically different than yours.

I am you. You are me.

I took a bad situation and used it as fuel to create the life, business and bank account I desired.

But it didn’t come for free. I didn’t get lucky. I don’t deserve congratulations. I worked my ass of for it.

Blood, sweat, tears, hustle and drive. Every damn day.

And if there’s one major lesson I’ve learned throughout my journey, it’s this:

When you don’t invest, you’re not invested.

I’m tired of people who try to make it look so easy and glamorous. Like you can just say hell yes in a Facebook thread, or say you want something, but not actually have to do anything to get it.

It’s not easy. And it sure as hell isn’t glamorous in the beginning. But it’s so fucking worth it.

So the buck stops here.

Will I continue to serve my tribe, give awesome and valuable content for free?

Will I run giveaways whenever the heck I please?

Will I give you the opportunity to work with me in different capacities and price ranges?

Yes, yes and yes! Of course!

But my one on one time is extremely precious and reserved for the ambitious leaders, the go getters, the ladies who are ready to change the world. The woman who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

In 10 days, my 1:1 program is  getting a makeover and the fee is increasing by 50%.

If you’ve thought about working with me, but you keep telling yourself it’s just a money thing, I don’t believe you.

Maybe you don’t “have” the money, but you sure as hell can get it or create it.

YOU are a powerful woman.
YOU are resourceful.
YOU want something bad enough, you will get it.
YOU have the ability to change your life and I will NOT stand for your excuse that you can’t.

You want $20K, $30K or $50K months? It doesn’t get handed to you. You work for it.

So, I’m calling YOU out if:
– You’re a hell yes to creating something different for yourself in 2016.
– You know your niche and your ideal client and you know you’re damn good at what you do.
– You’re making at least $2-$5K a month in your business and your ready to double, triple, quadruple it, or more.
– You’re READY to invest the time, money and energy it takes to get what you want.

What I offer is not “just” coaching, it’s business consulting and strategy. I’m not just going to listen and ask questions, I’m actually going to tell you what needs to be done to achieve the results you desire… AND I’m going to hold you to it.

This is NOT for everyone, and it’s certainly not meant to be.

I’ve turned down applications because they did not fit my ideal client profile.

I’ve canceled contracts because people were indecisive and lacked follow through.

I’ve returned deposits because I realized within days that it wasn’t a perfect match.

I’ve literally said no to tens of thousands of dollars over the past few months.

Why? Because it’s not about the money. It’s never about the money.

If you’re done fooling yourself about why you don’t have what you want.

If you’re ready to do the work.

If you’re feeling called to do off the charts amazing things in 2016…

And you feel like I could be the one to get you there, then let’s connect.