If there’s one that nearly every entrepreneur in the growth phase of their business struggle with, it’s the potentiality of burnout or overworking. They feel like they are doing #allthethings (and most of them are), and when the reward isn’t as high as the effort, it starts to chip away at their confidence. Not only that, but so many entrepreneurs are spending their precious time and energy on things that they either hate, that take a long time, that are misaligned with their zone of genius or that frankly aren’t money generating activities. The root cause of this is little to no support in their business. They are doing it pretty much all alone. It has become a one-woman show.Some entrepreneurs even hire VA’s (because they know they should) but never utilize them or don’t use them as much or as well as they can. The #1 thing every entrepreneur needs in their business is SUPPORT. And while assistants or VA’s are an obvious answer to some of these business woes… I actually believe entrepreneurs need various types of support. Here are my top three: #1. Team – You don’t need to have a huge team and become a micro manager to have a successful business… but you do need at least one or two GOOD people to support you in picking up the slack, doing tasks that drain or bore you, taking admin and tech tasks off your plate, etc. Don’t underestimate the power of having good support. It can be life, business and bank account changing. Imagine if you had more time to do the things that actually matter in your business. Imagine if you had more time and energy to hold space for and show up fully for your paying AND potential clients. Imagine if almost all of your daily focus was on the actual MONEY-MAKING activities in your biz. Pretty sure your bank account and your client roster would increase pretty quickly… #2. Mentorship – Having coaches and mentors is an obvious short cut to success. Learning from people who have experience and expertise where you don’t will put you in a position to win. Having weekly support, someone to share problems with, someone to get advice from or who can provide feedback or just a sounding board will make all the difference in the world! Trust me, I’ve had periods of time where I didn’t have a coach or a mentor and my business definitely felt different and harder. This can come in the form of group coaching, masterminds, 1:1 coaching or mentorship. (In my next blog I will be sharing how to know if you need a mentor/private coach). 3. Biz Besties – This is one that falls under the radar but is truly powerful! Having people close to you (even ONE person) can help you on your journey tremendously. And I’m not talking about your hubby, your sister or your neighbor. I mean another entrepreneur- someone who really understands the ups and downs and interesting things that you experience as an entrepreneur or business owner. You can usually find these people in other entrepreneur groups or by joining a mastermind with people who are similar/on the same path as you. I truly don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have my biz besties to vent to and get support from along the way. Today’s Action Steps: 1. Analyze your current level of support in each of these three areas. 2. Take action to improve and implement more support into your business. Want More? I created this list of tasks that you can delegate to a VA or assistant. |