Any REAL business owner knows that things aren’t always perfect in business or financials. I know that ease and flow and abundance and up and up only has been touted from the rooftops.

And it’s great to be positively focused and always wanting more. In fact, I encourage that. But I also encourage you to understand the reality of things and that they may not always go your way. And it really has nothing to do with you at all…

But how you handle it, how you navigate the pressures, and what stories you tell yourself about these events is what can either give you power or take it away.

Not every season will be your best financially.

Not every month will be your best month ever.

Not every idea or launch will skyrocket like you planned.

And all of that is OKAY. It’s actually totally normal!

You’re allowed to have off days. You’re allowed to have a lower income month. You’re allowed to have a “failed” launch. You’re allowed to make wrong decisions. And none of it means anything about you… unless you make it so.

I always encourage my clients to have this approach when they feel that something didn’t go their way, they don’t have enough clients or like their launch is bombing….

The philosophy is this: It’s just data.

That’s it. Everything that you’re experiencing is just information. It’s just data. It’s just telling you where you need to shift or improve. And when you start looking at things this way, instead of taking it personally- you can grow and evolve and become a better entrepreneur faster.

Today’s Action Steps:

1. Recall a current or recent (last 3 months) event where something didn’t go your way in business (could be something with a client, a business opportunity, a launch, sales, etc)

2. What are all the things you made that mean about YOU? Where did you beat yourself up about this?

2.1. Give yourself grace and forgive yourself for being so hard on yourself.

3. No re-look at this event through the eyes of “it’s just data” and evaluate what went wrong, what went right, where you could have improved results, what you could have done differently and what you would do differently next time with this new found information.

4. Do THAT thing. Apply your learning lesson to your next conversation, ask, launch or sales event.