STOP Apologizing For Your WILD
The RAW Woman. She’s Bored…
Let me tell you a story about a “coach”…
There once lived this badass coach and online expert.
She did everything by the book.
She did what she was “supposed” to do.

She worked her little tushy off.
She was consistent.
She got clients.
She changed lives.
She invested in herself. Did all the powerful inner work.
Was good enough to run with the “big dogs”…
She probably even has a book or two and a certification or three under her belt.
But after years of putting in the work, posting consistently and dedicating herself to her business…things have become…
- A little too easy
- A little too trite
- A little too ‘been there, done that’.
Things don’t feel as exciting or activating as they once were.
But she hasn’t “lost it”…
oh, it’s still very much there.
Waiting to come out.
Waiting to say all the things she’s been dying to say.
Waiting to be unleashed.
Sound familiar?
Maybe as things in the world shifted… so did you.
Maybe you think about things differently, or see the world through a whole new lens…
Maybe there’s a part of you that is afraid to let go of this “wholesome” image you once created.
But, deep down you know you are a badass.
You know you’re here to make a huge impact, and so far, it hasn’t been where you know it needs to be…
- your impact on people
- the potency of your words
- the power of your message
- the overflow in your bank account
You know you want all of those things in abundance. Lots of it.
And you know you’re fully capable (probably overqualified)
so then what gives?
Let’s put the humbleness aside for a moment…
It’s time to stake your claim in the online world.
It’s time to OWN how much of a boss/goddess/badass/powerhouse you are.
It’s time to leap to the place you’ve been trying to get to for so long.

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STOP APOLOGIZING for your wild.
This is about being at peace with who you REALLY are.
Then monetizing the F*!K out of it (her). Repelling the samesies and the fakers and calling in your true people… all while dismantling, destroying and eliminating old beliefs, ways, “rules” that have kept you stuck.
It’s time to let them see the REAL you. The bold, outspoken, money making, in her bag, on her sh!t YOU.

It’s time to do/be/say different. It’s time to REACTIVATE/REVIBE/REIGNITE your full potential.
Let me guide you there. Let’s lock arms and go together. This is what RAW is all about. This is for the woman who…
- Doesn’t fit the mold
- Moves to the beat of her own drum
- Has been hiding her weird
- Has incredible gifts the world needs to tune into
- Desires to do it HER way
- Is ready to stake her claim
This is a meeting of the minds. A collective. A powerMind.
RAW is a brand new, explosive, unique container that you WILL want to be a part of.
In RAW I will help you excavate the gifts that have been dying to be unleashed and throw gas on that fire…So that you’re doing what you TRULY want to do, so that you’re living 100% in alignment and you’re doing it exactly how you desire.
There is no long term contract. You stay in as long as you desire to stay in, or as long as you need to stay in to get you to a place where you fully are 100% who you’ve always wanted to be and you get there in a way that feels in alignment with you.
And I’ma guessing you’re gonna want to stay for a while even AFTER you’ve unleashed HER.

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