I’m feeling amazing today. Just got a new puppy over the weekend and I’ve been busy with my new project.

My puppy reminds me of me when I was first starting online. A little scared, unsure, not sure what was right or what was wrong… but all in all, just trying to do my best and make my people happy.

Today, I have something really special for you. I have been working closely with my clients on helping them bring more story and more personality into  their online brand and marketing.

I realize that it doesn’t come as easy to some people than it does to me.

And, there are a ton of questions, like: When do I share? How much do I share? What if I’m currently going through some stuff? And… “How do I share without getting TOO personal?

Well, all those questions are being answered today, my dear…

Because I have an amazing new freebie for you!

All you have to do is click this link and get instant access to the new Stand Out With Story guide.

In it, you’ll get:

– 20 Story Ideas to implement in your marketing, social media, blogs posts and newsletters

– How to move potential buyers into action by connecting with story

– How much of your story to share and what people really want to hear

– How to share your story withOUT digging into your past