I’ll never forget December 2014. It was the month that changed my business forever. I had just wrapped up coaching with my first mentor, my business had just transitioned and I completely changed my ideal client. Not to mention, my new found clarity helped me to create my first ever five figure month.
Even though it was an amazing time, things were happening really quickly. The 12 months that followed was the most incredible roller coaster I’d ever been on.
As I reflect on this past year, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of people, events and things I can be grateful for. But I picked my top 9 to share with you today:
→ My story was profiled in Business Insider and Forbes.com
Even though it was an amazing time, things were happening really quickly. The 12 months that followed was the most incredible roller coaster I’d ever been on.
As I reflect on this past year, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of people, events and things I can be grateful for. But I picked my top 9 to share with you today:
→ My story was profiled in Business Insider and Forbes.com
→ I’ve worked with over 500 women to grow their online business
→ Booked over $500,000 in sales in 2016
→ Grew my subscriber list to over 10,000 and my social media following to over 35,000
→ Have been featured on dozens of podcasts and telesummits
→ Worked with the best of the best coaches and mentors and even masterminded in Bali with one of them
→ Created a membership site with over 200 passionate entrepreneurs
→ Helped my clients create hundreds of thousands of dollars in their own businesses
→ Witnessed radical, transformational changes in myself and the women I’ve worked with.
I may be biased, but to be able to do all of this in just 12 short months is insanely amazing.
If you asked me this time last year if I thought any of this was possible, I would have never believed it.
I share these successes with you for a few reasons:
1) I sometimes still can’t believe it and I have to pinch (and remind) myself
2) I want you too see that this is totally possible for YOU (because I’m really no different than you)
3) It’s incredible just how quickly things can change when you commit and do the work
As we go in to 2016, forget the resolutions. Instead make a commitment to yourself, your business and your future, to do the work, take risks and become the woman you need to be to achieve the goals you desire.
Here’s to 2016 finally being YOUR year!