WARNING: This post contains no sugar coating and a dash of profanities.
Are you a people pleaser? Or as I would rather call it: “A p*ssy”? Are you whipped by society’s ideal of what you can and can’t do, be and can’t be? Are you the type of person that just can’t say no, even when you really, really, want to? Are you so crippled by low self esteem and lack of confidence that you never accomplish what YOU want to do in and with your life?
Today, I want you to pledge to start living your life- your way and OWN who you are. Not the picture you’ve painted for society, but the actual, real YOU. Own your quirks, your imperfections, your flaws, your passions and your extraordinary ideas.
If you continue allow outside opinions control you, you will never fulfill your passion and purpose in life. If you let rejection frighten you, change your focus, or stunt your growth, you won’t blossom into the person you are truly meant to be. We all know someone who always plays the victim, who blames everyone else for why their life sucks and NEVER takes responsibility for their actions. Don’t be that person. Be a slave only to yourself, your work, your purpose and help others by shining your light on the world.
When it comes down to it , there will only be one person to face—Yourself. You won’t want the day to come when you look in the mirror and say “I had so much to offer, but I didn’t show the world because I was too concerned about what other people thought.” Stop being a people pleaser. Don’t be swayed by other’s opinions, threats, judgments, or criticisms. Follow your heart, live your passion, love more and enjoy life.
There is nothing better for the people in your life than for you to be at your very best, at your own peace and showing the world in every way who you are and what you stand for.
Be ballsy, be fearless be awesome… on purpose. In the comments section below, tell me that one thing you absolutely can’t say no to or stand up for, no matter how hard you try. I will personally coach anyone who responds.

I cannot say no to my ex ;-(
I’ve always been a people pleaser. I always want to make everyone feel good even when it’s a lie or when they are annoying. I always lead by the motto “I give all hope to man and leave non for myself” but i just have never figured out that balance. The older i get the wiser i’ve became but being brave when it comes to people, I’m still working on that area.
Haven’t found it yet….I keep getting stronger and stronger. Faith and trust in the Lord removes fear of everything else. “I’m awesome, pity you if you don’t know it yet”. Right Jen??!! 🙂
The one thing I am having trouble in saying “No” is in my current relationship. There has been lying, cheating, verbal abuse and disrespect and I am frozen. I am unable to leave this toxic relationship. My self esteem is at an all time low, I feel worthless and powerless.
My mom. She’s so old school and old fashion that all she does is talk about other peoples problem, my siblings or her problems. It’s always a negative vibe when she comes around.
If I tell her to stop taking about the problems, she says she’s just venting and need me to talk either talk to my siblings regarding their problems. But this is everyday that she vents.
I want to stand up to my mom and just tell her to snap out of it and focus on herself, start being more positive, and talk less about others problem, get active…. Worry less…
It’s hard to stand up to parents because as you were growing up parents were always right… It’s hard for them to understand the concept that children nowadays can maybe shed light in their life and or give great feedback.
I can NOT say no to people I love…or work for. It’s not always terrible but sometimes it has me doing things I seriously don’t want to. People always say it’s because “I love them so we do things for each other”. Sure but I shouldn’t be doing everything while you sit there criticizing me and putting me down..
I love this! Your daily instagrams inspire me! and you are very whitty and straight talking. I used to worry about what I could and couldn’t do and about other peoples opinions. Then I started following my own and not caring about other people opinions and im not living my dream. I moved to Italy and started a new life a couple of months ago, I am now a teacher and I’m building new dreams for the future! – Keep doing what you are doing, it’s awesome!! x