Welcome to the CRUSH IT WITH COMMUNITY interview series!

I brought together the most incredible group leaders in the online space to talk about how community has impacted their businesses and their bottom line. The interviews are short, but impactful. If you’re looking to grow your list, nurture your tribe and build a rocking community online, check out these interviews. Make sure to grab a pen and paper and take lots of notes!


Rachel Luna is the best selling author of the book, Successful People are Full of C.R.A.P. (Courage. Resilience. Authenticity. Perseverance): A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting it Together & Achieving Your Dreams, speaker, and the founder of The Confident Entrepreneur Academy.

She helps remarkable individuals just like you get clear, confident and taking consistent action, so you can do that big thing you were born to do.

Rachel has been featured in Latina Magazine, Success Magazine and is a regular Huffington Post contributor.  Visit her over at RachelLuna.biz and download her wilding popular Confidently Scheduled Planner sheet for free.



Alex Beadon helps entrepreneurs build their online empires by showing them how to attract customers that fall in love with them, their brand + their business.

Alex is also the creator of the The Spark Lounge– a membership site designed to educate, connect and inspire passionate entrepreneurs.

1966940_527200887391206_1100604666_nSUSIE ROMANS- ONLINE BUSINESS COACH

Susie Romans is ruling her digital empire as an online business coach and marketing consultant.  With a personal blog that has reached 5 Million web visitors, with no advertising, she is redefining what’s possible as a work at home mom and CEO of a thriving business.

Quickly turning her experience over the last seven years in sales, digital marketing and lead generation into a profitable business she has helped small businesses across the globe in designing marketing strategies that have brought in over one million in revenue. Susie now coaches and consults women in business on the topics of high performance, online marketing and business strategy. Join Susie’s community The Inspired Income Club.


11356246_10153340264502359_1866274315_nAuthor and serial 6-figure entrepreneur Star Khechara is an expert at turning passions into profits and monetising personality (especially the quirkier aspects). Her first passion-based business Formula Botanica – an organic cosmetic science school – shot to global recognition within 20 months, attracting clients from as far away as New York and Australia. In her new guise as Miss Monetisation, Star helps free-spirited female solopreneurs create blissful passive income from educational offerings such as ecourses, ebooks, academies and membership sites.

Checkout out Star’s free e-course: Passive Income for Girls.

W: www.starkhechara.com

F: https://www.facebook.com/MissMonetisation

T: https://twitter.com/StarKhechara

IG: https://instagram.com/missmonetisation/

YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/starkhechara


10947273_823404451071162_707555974055680750_oCelia Ward-Wallace is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur + Soulful Business Coach who leads women to discover their purpose, identify their core values and create a soulfully aligned online business.
Celia teaches female entrepreneurs how to launch their first online business, attract their first client and make their first dollar in her signature coaching program, The Super Fly Soulful Business Program.
Celia’s forward-thinking methodology focuses on the intersection of: money + meaning, business + self-care, action + receiving, strategy + soul and community building + collaboration. Her focus is to lead her community to create a life and business by intentional design with lot’s of ease, grace and cash.
You are invited to join Celia’s FREE online mastermind group, “The Super Fly Society” and connect with other heart-centered, world-changers.


Jordana Jaffe teaches women entrepreneurs who are introverts or homebodies how to create their own super engaged Facebook group so they can grow their community and get clients while staying at home in their cozy PJs. You can join her tribe of over 8,000 ladybosses here – bit.ly/youaremagical