With the start of the new year and new habits, I wanted to share with you the top people I recommend you follow online who are absolutely killing it and share their truth in such real and awesome ways.
The newsfeed can get a little nuts, so take advantage of the “see first” option so all the good stuff comes to the top of the newsfeed and you can be instantly inspired when you log on.
In no particular order, here are 10 people you need to follow on Facebook:
Katrina Ruth (Loterzo) – I’ve worked with Kat for several years now and even though her posts can be triggering to some people, there is no question that this woman is a powerhouse and an incredible inspiration. Feeling unmotivated or in a slump, just watch one of Kat’s livestreams of read one of her 2,000 word Facebook posts. By sharing her entire soul with us, she encourages us to the do same. She sells every damn day but the value she gives for free is incredible! Love you Kat!
AJ Mihrzad – Raw, real, and vulnerable. I love every one of AJ’s posts and videos. They are short but impactful. He shares mostly about life lessons, personal development and personal stories, but that actually makes you want to BUY from him. Because he is the real deal, and that’s the kind of people you want to do business with.
Rebecca Rubin – Rebecca is the only person on this list that I don’t know personally, but I feel like I know her through her posts and musings. She is a deep thinker, a creative, and a beautiful soul. She comes from a place of love, but also of not taking any BS. Her posts are always spot on and even when she’s making an offer, it’s so connected and flows.
Rachel Luna – Compassion, caring and REAL. This girl is one to follow (on Instagram too!) Rachel’s posts are sincere, and she shares things from her every day life. I love the behind the scenes, the realness and the boldness of everything she shares. She is also really great at being vulnerable with her own mistakes and lessons and that’s something you can take to the bank.
Jesse Elder – Superhuman. This is the best word to describe the brilliance that Jesse Elder is. I worked with Jesse last year and it completely changed my life (business, relationships and self) forever! Jesse’s insights as what I call a “modern day philosopher” are incredible, unique and powerful. Jesse is focused on what’s really important and does things his way. He shares from his soul and sells from his heart (no icky funnels or upsells involved)
Maru Iabichela – My best friend and soul sister didn’t make this list because of that, but because she is a unique and brilliant soul working on another level, one that most people can’t comprehend, but they want to so badly. Her livestreams are out of this world and the philosophies she shares will change your thinking and your life. She is truly doing her life’s work and changing many lives in the process.
Scott Oldford – I had the pleasure of working with Scott in the beginning of the year and I love his brilliance. This guy is seriously smart, and “gets it!”. He has shifted his positioning a bit at the end of last year and it was definitely a brilliant move. He knows what his zone of genius is and stays in that lane. His posts are inspirational, moving, raw and real and also give a TON of value on the business end.
Regan Ann Hillyer – 26 year old self made millionaire who is in the process of changing the world for the better. Regan has a beautiful soul and is hella gorgeous on the outside as well. She is really a thought leader, an artist, a world changer and I see her on Oprah’s couch really soon!
Ruby Fremon – This girl is a powerhouse. Ruby is a former client and she is literally kicking ass and making a name for herself. She is unfiltered and real. Don’t follow her if you are sensitive and don’t want to be called out on your own limiting BS. Follow her if you want beautiful, vulnerable and valuable insights. Ruby is changing the coaching game and is a true thought leader.
Katya Varbanova – Livestream Goddess… this girl is on fire! She’s fun, cute, bold and quirky and knows how to grab your attention through video (plus some really cool FB posts too!) She is consistent, fun to watch and knows her stuff! Her videos have gotten hundreds of thousands of views, so if you haven’t seen her yet, I’m sure you will in 2018!
The best part of this list, is that I am so grateful and honored to call all of these people my friends and/or mentors at some point in my journey. Makes total sense, because they are totally aligned with how I do business and how I connect with my audience.
If you notice, I didn’t put any high profile “gurus” on this list. I mean, I could have listed people like Gary V, Marie Forleo, Jonathan Silva, Tony Robbins, etc. And I think they are all wonderful, but I wanted to share people who are real, raw and doing things their own way.
Seriously check these guys out and see how effortlessly, unapologetically and vulnerably share themselves (ALL OF THEM) in every post. How their “marketing” and “sales” are effortless and aligned and the furthest thing from sleazy or yucky.
They are all here to serve. WE are all here to serve and serve at the highest level we can. So go out there and bear your soul, be vulnerable, share your stories and make offers from a place of love. There’s no better way to become wealthy and invite prosperity and light into your life.
So Jenn let me ask you if and when someone does a post like this do we need to ask for permission before we post anything about them.