by Jessica Jokisch | Blog Posts, Entrepreneurship, Online Business, Visibility
I am just wrapping up another round of the Shift Your Money Sh!t Challenge! And it’s so interesting to see all the stuff that come up and the behavior and attitudes that we have accumulated throughout our lives that keeps us stuck and playing safe. One of the themes...
by Jessica Jokisch | Blog Posts
Add a review using iTunes on the computer: Add a review using iTunes on the on mobile...
by Jessica Jokisch | Blog Posts, Entrepreneurship, Online Business
Over the last couple weeks I’ve had some major revelations. I did some serious soul searching recently after some major life changing events. As as single mom of an almost 8 year old, I’ve lived the last few years of my life to be a an amazing role model to him. When...
by Jessica Jokisch | Blog Posts, Entrepreneurship, Online Business
Do you remember Periscope? If you don’t, definitely don’t worry. It was a social media platform that lived and died on the vine – that went faster than it came. This is why I stress the fact that you need to have multiple ways to get clients, multiple ways to...
by Jessica Jokisch | Blog Posts, Entrepreneurship, Online Business, Visibility
I see you, hustling hard to build the life and biz of your dreams… Trying to avoid the shiny objects and find that one thing that will finally work for you. I know you dream about unlimited earning potential, financial freedom, and time to do the things you actually...